Unconditional love...

There's nothing wrong with what you feel.

What makes it wrong is when we act foolishly to justify our desire. Do not let your heart over rule by your head. There is nothing wrong in looking for someone to love. But it is better to have someone who can love us back just as much without breaking the rules. Someone we can be with, without having others push aside. Someone we can love without any guilt. Someone we can spend our lives freely forever.

Sometimes we love so much that we fail to realize that we are already choking our relationship. We cannot own the people we love. We just have to love them and give them the freedom to as they wish. All we have to do is to let them know that when they fall, we’re always there to catch and take care of them.

When we fail to our relationships, we ask ourselves what went wrong. There are times when nothing was wrong; love just naturally fades away and this happen to people who are simply not meant for each other. I know it is difficult to comprehend why relationship suddenly takes unexpected turns. But such things happen. People we treasure go away for a reason. Sometimes we have to stop asking why and just accept it. We should stop being bitter and just be thankful for once we have loved and shared our life with that person and made beautiful memories together. That acceptance will give us the courage to move on and make us realize that God takes away something for us; He doesn’t do so to hurt us. He takes it away because He wants us to have something better.

If any of us have been stepped on or hurt by others, let us allow our self to be healed by God. In time he will ease all our pains and free our hearts from the bondage of the past. Then He will open another door where would an opportunity for us to find someone to trust again, to love again, and hopefully to spend our lives with forever.

When we decided to love someone, we give out our best to let that person know we mean our intention. We put our time, our effort and our emotions into a relationship, which we hope would give us a decent return of investment. But does true love really works this way?

Love, in its real sense is not conditional we do not share emotion to gain something in return. Love is a gift that we should give because we want to give it and not because we want to get something out of it. Love should be bestowed without conditions, without assumptions, without expectations.

We all make a mistake of expecting too much from other people, we expect them to be what we want them to be. We want them to act in ways that will satisfy our own needs. We don’t give without looking forward to something in return.

It is true there will always be burning desire to fulfill a need when we begin to love someone. But we should remember that true love means giving unselfishly. It calls for sacrifice to make others happy. It means forgiveness. It means acceptance when we love unconditionally, then our caring and affection are returned not out of obligation but out of love itself!. . . .
