You'll never know...

It's been 5 years since I started blogging. And in those five long years, I have encountered so many problems here in blogging and even became friends with some bloggers. Some stayed... But most are gone in blogosphere. I don't know why, but maybe, they found themselves happy out of the blogosphere.

I never imagined myself to be a blogger for a long time. I just started blogging for the purpose of promoting my beloved town and show the world that there exist a town where my heart is. Then became a personal blogger since I write almost all of the things I am doing everyday.

Today, I have 5 active blogs of different categories - entertainment, nursing/medical, travel, indie movies and this personal blog. Maybe, this is the peak of my addiction to blogging since almost everyday, all of the things I want to say will be written and will be published in these blogs.

I have lots of time that I have hiatus over my blogs. I don't know. It's just sometimes, eventhough that there are already inputs in my mind, I have no driving force to write it or even publish it.

You'll never know what will happen next. But for now, I am enjoying myself being here in the blogosphere. :) Happy blogging everyone!



Just keep enjoying. :)

September 17, 2011 at 3:03 PM comment-delete

blog lang ng blog :D

September 17, 2011 at 3:53 PM comment-delete

im still here chard. =)

September 21, 2011 at 4:05 PM comment-delete